Also known as Sledge Stump or Thor's Hammer, this is a variation in which one player is allowed to use an oversized hammer, such as a small sledgehammer.
First you need to decide who will take the sledge at the beginning of the game. In order to do this, devise a fair means of giving the sledge without giving a huge advantage along with it. One way to do this is to have each person hit THEIR OWN nail as hard as they can and the person that hits THEIR OWN nail and puts it down the farthest, wins the sledge. Whoever has the biggest balls or the largest desire to get the sledge, wins it. You don't HAVE to hit your own nail (because if you hit it too hard you will win the sledge but will be at a considerable disadvantage when it comes to blows), but who wouldn't want the King's Hammer over a regular hammer? It's a great feeling of power.
Next, the first round of the game begins. It is played just like normal Stump except that one person has a freaking sledge and can basically dominate. In order to get the sledge yourself, you need to be the one who sinks the sledge owner's nail. Once they're out, you get the King's Hammer.
Naturally, everyone tends to gang up against the person with the sledge in hopes that they'll get it themselves, and this is good in that it basically balances out any heavy advantage the sledge owner may have because their nail will be getting constantly blasted. Very rarely does the person who starts the game with the sledge stay alive until the end.